Bonjour Underground Socialites! Welcome to my Underground Socialite blog. I hope we will become best friends soon and hopefully share common ground for ALL things fun, quirky, vintage, new, innovative, and glamorous! First off, I love ALL things popping. That means I like spunk in having a personal style and living a life filled with what you have instead of what you want. What do I mean by this? You got to be creative with the things you already have in front of you. You can be just as glamorous and gorgeous and have an adventure with $20 or $1000 to your name. I don't have a $1000 lying around and usually I don't even have $20 in my pocket. Once we get better acquainted, I hope you can relate because my wallet is ALWAYS empty but it doesn't stop me from LIVING large as an Underground Socialite! We can't be friends if we can't grow and be creative and get silly together, now can we? So let's burn our boring lives and come together and gain new insights about life and FASHION and go on this adventure together. You got to have a sense of humor with a little or a lot of craziness. Good crazy I can deal with. Bad toxic mean crazy, I have no room for. Hopefully we all can fall in LOVE together.

Ok, so what exactly is this blog about anyway? It's about life and style and fashion and LOVE or letting me help you teach about how I view love and boys and food and travelling and making things and discovering new things, and being poor in a rich way together. I hope along the way I can inspire you to live your best life being comfortable in your own style and skin and to LOVE better than you have before. Isn't that what life is about? Being your authentic self and truly happy from the inside out? They don't call me LOVE GURU for nothing now. Well, "they" is myself, really. Yes, those are my vanity pictures below to introduce you to who you are dealing with. No stalkers please, I'm already crazy enough. Only if you are a gorgeous boy who want to take me on an unlimited shopping spree. I'm sure some of you have nude pictures lying around somewhere. I won't punish you with my nudity unless you are a HAWT Brad Pitt look alike. For future reference when I start posting pics of stuff, you know, clothes, styling, what the hell I am wearing, it's ALWAYS taken by either myself, my little 6 and 8 year old nephews, or other bad amateur takers who happen to be a victim of passing by. So pardon the pics but who cares right? Like I said, this ain't no professional competition or else I would be rich enough to have a personal paparazzi always capturing my good side and editing all my flaws and pimples and fat rolls. I'm keeping it real, yo! I owe you to keep it real. It's kinda funny saying, "keeping it real," only because we do know a lot of folks trying to pretend to be Miss Perfect and tamed and professional. How sad is that to always be a straight lace?
Anyway, let's get this party started! Glad you stopped by and I hope you will come around more often after this. We have a lot of exploring to do and creating and giving and doing and being and and and....yada yada yada.......I have A LOT of posting to do and picture taking to capture and things to share with you!
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